
per 100g Learn more about per 100g

  • What are the main diseases and insect pests of rice?

    What are the main diseases and insect pests of rice?

    How to raise rice seedlings? Methods Rice seedling raising techniques: 1: how to determine the seedling raising period? Rice seedlings were raised in heat preservation and drought, and the seedlings began to sow after the air temperature passed steadily through 5 ℃-6 ℃ (the temperature increased to more than 12 ℃ after plastic film mulching and plastic film mulching). In Heilongjiang Province, the seeds were not sown in May, and the best sowing time was April.

  • Radish planting: how to use herbicides to grow autumn radish?

    Radish planting: how to use herbicides to grow autumn radish?

    How to use herbicide to grow autumn radish? Please give introduction to autumn radish weeding can refer to the following methods: first, before sowing soil ban, you can choose 48% trifluralin EC 100g 150ml (dosage per mu, the same below), 48% trimethoprim EC 200ml, 33% herbicide EC 100ml 150ml, 50% Acetochlor EC.

  • Rapeseed seed price and planting method

    Rapeseed seed price and planting method

    Rapeseed seed price and planting method

  • Prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of ricefield eel

    Prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of ricefield eel

    Prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic disease of ricefield eel

  • The latest rapeseed seed price and planting method

    The latest rapeseed seed price and planting method

    Rape is the most important oil crop in China, also known as Brassica napus, Brassica campestris, Brassica campestris, etc., it is an annual or perennial herb of Brassica napus of Cruciferae. The oil content of seeds is 3350%. At present, the main cultivation types are Brassica napus, Brassica juncea and Gan.

    2020-11-10 The latest rapeseed seed price and planting method rape is
  • What kind of medicine is used for strengthening the stomach of cattle? 4 kinds of prescriptions for appetizing cattle.

    What kind of medicine is used for strengthening the stomach of cattle? 4 kinds of prescriptions for appetizing cattle.

    There are many methods to strengthen beef cattle, the common ones are: let each cow oral artificial salt 60- 100g or oral Jianwei powder 350- 450g, once a day for 2 days, can also be oral trichlorfon, the dose is 0.05g/kg body weight, once a day, for 2 days, if

    2020-11-08 cattle stomach with what medicine 4 kinds give appetizer of prescription abstract
  • Control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in spring

    Control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in spring

    Control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in spring

  • Occurrence and control forecast of diseases and insect pests in Flos Lonicerae

    Occurrence and control forecast of diseases and insect pests in Flos Lonicerae

    First, the current occurrence of diseases and pests of honeysuckle according to the systematic survey of our station on May 29: honeysuckle aphids were not found. The average plant rate of red spiders is 53.3%, the highest is 60.0%, the average rate of leaves is 15.7%, the highest is 31.3%, the highest is 38.0; the average mite index is 4.08, the most.

  • When high potassium is applied to grapes, is the content of potassium high in grapes?

    When high potassium is applied to grapes, is the content of potassium high in grapes?

    The time of applying potash fertilizer to grape: during the period from fruit setting to fruit color conversion, potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on the leaves, once every 7-15 days, 2-3 times in a row, before 9: 00 a. M. and after 5: 00 p. M. The content of potassium in grapes is high, potassium per 100g grapes.

    2020-11-08 Grape high potassium time potassium content high abstract grape
  • The Price and Culture method of German Mirror Carp

    The Price and Culture method of German Mirror Carp

    The Price and Culture method of German Mirror Carp

  • Preparation of Ganoderma lucidum health beverage

    Preparation of Ganoderma lucidum health beverage

    Ganoderma lucidum used in this product includes Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum and other varieties. When preparing the extract of Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum was dried and crushed, and 5 times 30 times hot water or warm water was added to the dry material for leaching. The cyclodextrins used are produced from starch or starch hydrolysates. Sweeteners, spices or natural fruit juices can also be added as needed. First, Ganoderma lucidum is dried and cut into thick 5mm flakes. Then, add 60-80 ℃ warm water (100g dried Ganoderma lucidum and 1L water)

  • Breeding of White-feathered Quail

    Breeding of White-feathered Quail

    Breeding of White-feathered Quail

  • Application Technology of Longke bacteria in Rice

    Application Technology of Longke bacteria in Rice

    At present, it is the season of typhoon and rainstorm, and it is also the period when rice diseases are prone to occur. The application techniques of 20% Longke bacteria suspension agent on rice are as follows: to control rice bacterial basic rot, 100 grams of 20% Longke bacteria per mu with 50 kg of water, spray the first time at the initial stage of the disease, and then spray once every 7-10 days, twice in a row, the control effect is remarkable. For rice bacterial blight, when diseased plants are found in the field or after typhoon and rainstorm, 20% Longke bacteria 500-700 times solution is sprayed twice with an interval of 7-10 days, and the control effect can reach 80%.

  • Liaoqie No. 3

    Liaoqie No. 3

    Liaoqie No. 3 is a new purple eggplant variety with high yield, high quality and disease resistance, which was successfully bred by the Institute of Horticulture, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using H12 and Liuye as parents. The characteristic plant height 84.5cm, the development degree 52.5cm, belongs to the erect type. The veins, Corolla and pericarp are all purple. The fruit is oval, vertical diameter 18cm, horizontal diameter 9.5cm, glossy, single fruit weight 250g. The sugar content was 4.9%, which was 0.9% higher than that of the control variety. Contains vitamin C6 per 100g fresh weight

  • Beware of cold dehydration of cattle in winter

    Beware of cold dehydration of cattle in winter

    Not only can water cool down, but also water can heat up. ① is cooled with water: each adult cow is paired with 0.3kg of soju or 0.2kg of urea into 5kg of cold water and let the cattle drink themselves. You can also soak the hay in cold water for 3-5 hours the day before feeding the hay, and then feed the cattle. ② warms up with water: the climate is cold in winter. For weak cattle, heat the water to 40 ℃ and add 30 grams of salt or 100g of soy sauce per kilogram of water to drink. two。 Feed nutrition and nourish water master

  • What kind of grass do you want to weed?

    What kind of grass do you want to weed?

    Pocaojing is suitable for cotton, soybean, wheat, peanut, sunflower, potato, fruit tree, vegetable, tea tree and paddy field to control barnyardgrass, Magnolia mandshurica, wild amaranth, Polygonum, quinoa, Portulaca oleracea, wheatgrass, plantain and other annual grasses.

    2020-11-09 Grass net remove what grass can apply to
  • Field management of continuous rainy rape waterlogging damage in winter and spring rape

    Field management of continuous rainy rape waterlogging damage in winter and spring rape

    Field management of continuous rainy rape waterlogging damage in winter and spring rape

  • Brief introduction of am89-9 soybean

    Brief introduction of am89-9 soybean

    AM89-9 soybean was made by sexual hybridization of flat stem soybean in 1989. After 10 years of cultivation, trial planting and strict purification and rejuvenation, it stands out in the soybean kingdom and becomes a pearl in the soybean kingdom. Since it was promoted in 1996, it has been loved by the common people and is known as the "king of soybean kings". Characteristics: the growth period is 115ml / 120d, and the weight of 100 seeds is 20ml / 100g (18,19g / 100 seeds). The plant is 100 cm high. The main stem mainly bears pods, and the main stem is generally 22 Mel 25 nodes, with average nodes.

  • Management technology of carrot room

    Management technology of carrot room

    Management technology of carrot room

  • Prevention and control of Codonopsis pilosula grass damage

    Prevention and control of Codonopsis pilosula grass damage

    Fields dominated by annual grass weeds such as paspalum grass, horse tang, dogtail grass, and so on, were treated with herbicides such as Napujing (sparse grass), fine grass, Jingshengde and other herbicides. ① 2% Napujing EC 75 100g per 667m2. ② 5% refined grass EC 75ml 100g. ③ 15% steady kill EC dosage of 75ml 100g. The weeds were sprayed on stems and leaves with 15ml / kg of clear water and 20kg of water. Choose a sunny day without wind at 9: 00 am and enter after 4: 00 p. M.
